1960年 うらわ美術館蔵
吉原治良 白髪一雄 元永定正 嶋本昭三 田中敦子 金山明
山崎つる子 正延正俊 鷲見康夫 村上三郎 吉田稔郎
浮田要三 吉原通雄 ミシェル・タピエ 他
Gutai—International Sky Festival
1960. Urawa Art MuseumThese are banners made on the occasion of the International Sky Festival in 1960. Organized by the Gutai A rt Association in conjunction with the 9th Gutai A rt Exhibition, the Sky Festival featured works by 30 artists selected by Michel Tapié and Jiro Yoshihara. In addition to Gutai members, there were other Japanese and international artists, including Sofu Teshigahara and Lucio Fontana. The works submitted by the artists were enlarged and painted onto banners to be suspended from advertising balloons over the rooftop of the Takashimaya Department Store in Osaka. The banners were Tapié's suggestion, and were made at Yoshihara's home over the course of two or three days. As befits a festival, even the advertising manager from the department store that was the exhibition venue joined in the painting. (From Nagameru Hon/Landscapes to Read, Books to Look At, Urawa Art Museum)
Jiro Yoshihara, Kazuo Shiraga, Sadamasa Motonaga,
Shozo Shimamoto, Atsuko Tanaka, Akira Kanayama,
Tsuruko Yamazaki, Masatoshi Masanobu, Yasuo Sumi,
Saburo Murakami, Toshio Yoshida, Yozo Ukita, Michio Yoshihara, Michel Tapié, etc.
Seven Gutai Artists
This portfolio, Seven Gutai A rtists, was issued in order to collect funds for the publication of a book, Gutai bijyutsuno jyuuhachinen (Eighteen Years of Gutai Art), commemorating the exhibition held at Osaka Fumin Gallery in 1976 in a limited edition of 30. Of the 7 works on paper in this portfoglio, works by Shozo Shimamoto, Kazuo Shiraga, Saburo Murakami and Toshiro Yoshida are original works done in 1976. Committee for the publication of this book consisted of Shozo Shimamoto, Kazuo Shiraga, Saburo Murakami, Sadamasa Motonaga, Toshiro Yoshida, Michio Yoshihara, Ryo Takahashi and Kan Muramatsu. The Gutai A rt Association broke up at the death of its leader, Jiro Yoshihara in 1972.