"THE PLACE SETOS" Photographs by Masato SETO
月-金 10:30-18:30、土 12:00-17:00、日・祝休廊
Nov.5-28, 2001
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 10:30-18:30, Sat.12:00-17:00, Closed on Sun. and National holidays
1953年、旧日本兵の父とベトナム人の母の間に、タイ東北部ウドーンタニ市に生まれた瀬戸正人氏は、幼少期をタイで過ごし、8才の時に父親の実家がある福島県に移住。その後上京し、東京写真専門学校(現 東京ビジュアルアーツ)に学び、81年よりフリーのカメラマンとして活動を開始。89年には、瀬戸氏ゆかりの地タイとベトナムに取材した写真集「バンコク、ハノイ 1982-1987」、96年には東京に暮らすアジア系移住者の生態を暴いた「部屋」を発表。近年は写真家としての活動の一方、自伝的小説「トオイと正人」で第12回新潮学芸賞を受賞し、また、四谷にある写真専門の実験的ギャラリーにて後進の育成に当たるなど幅広い分野で活躍しています。
We are pleased to present the exhibition of Masato Seto, one of the most influential photographers in today's Japan.
Masato Seto was born in 1953 in Udon Thani, a city located in the north-east of Thailand as a son of an ex-soldier of Japanese Imperial Army and his Vietnamese wife. After spending his childhood in Thailand, his family moved to Fukushima, his father's hometown in north-east Japan when he was eight years old. After finishing his study at Tokyo Photograph College (actual Tokyo Visual Arts), Seto started his career as a freelance photographer in 1981. In 1989 he published "Bangkok, Hanoi 1982-1987", a collection of photographs taken in two countries, Thailand and Vietnam, both of which he feels deeply connected to. In 1996 published "Living Room, Tokyo" in which Seto focused on the life of immigrants from other Asian countries.
In recent years, besides his activity as a photographer, Seto is also showing his talents in other fields; as a writer with his autobiographical novel "Tooi and Masato" (awarded the 12th Sincho literary prize), or as an educator for young photographers in his experimental photo-gallery in Yotsuya.
We cordially invite you to our show of Masato Seto, winner of the 21st Ihee Kimura award, the most authentic photographic prize in Japan, being held for the first time here in Kansai area.