
ヴー・ザン・タン&レ・ホン・ターイ 二人展
Vu Dan Tan & Le Hong Thai

オープニングパーティー 11月11日[月] 17:00~

Nov.11-Dec.7, 2002
Opening party with the artist on Nov. 11th from 5PM


Gallery Art U is pleased to host the exhibition of two Vietnamese artists based in Hanoi, Vu Dan Tan and Le Hong Thai.
Vu Dan Tan, born in 1946 in Hanoi, is a self-taught artist. He developed a unique approach to the creation by using recycled materials such as empty cans or discarded candy packets. His work seem to have something in common with children’s play and reflects an innocent and fanciful imagination of this artist who adores the classical music and Charlie Chaplin.
Le Hong Thai was born in 1966 in Hai Phong, a port town in the northern part of Vietnam. After graduated from Hanoi Fine Art College, he eagerly set about innovating the traditional technique of lacquer and silk painting. The meditative aspect of his work appeals to viewer’s mind with its intense graphical power.
Tan’s sugar-coated criticism against the consumer society, Thai’s portrait of people who seem to be perplexed facing the sudden advent of new mode of living; The works of both artists not only reflect today’s Vietnamese society in a period of transition but also manifest their statement against the materialistic environment which surrounds our life at the present time.

Supported by Consulate-General of Vietnam in Osaka, Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association in Kansai

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