白髪一雄<水滸伝シリーズ>Shiraga kazuo 天機星智多星 Tenkisei Chitasei
天機星智多星 Tenkisei Chitasei 1964 目黒区美術館蔵 ,Meguro Museum of Art,Tokyo
序列3 Order 3 呉用 Wu Yong, 梁山泊 のナンバー3 は書生から天下一の軍師になった男。神機妙算の限りを尽くしたが人間味溢れ仲間から信頼度は高い。梁山泊の頭脳であり情の宋江の理として補佐し、宋江に殉死した。
He became the best strategist in Ryouzanpaku.
He contributed with an extraordinary idea. In addition, he is humane and highly by others.he helped Song Jiang and died together.
A special presence in the Ryozanpaku.
An abyss of wisdom is transmitted from the black transformation screen.
Shiraga said he was not concerned with the titlle. But it related to the title.
I wonder if he emptied a bottle of Shaoxing that night?