
YAMAZAKI Tsuruko 1925–2019



Born in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture in 1925. Yamazaki attended a lecture of Jiro Yoshihara attended a lecture of Jiro Yoshihara in 1946, and began to visit him asking for his advice in the next year. In 1948, she graduated from Obayashi Sacred Heart School and exhibited her work at the first Ashiya City Exhibition (and continued to display her works at succeeding exhibitions). In 1954, she became a founding member of the Gutai Art Association and remained in the Association until its disbandment in 1972. In the mid-1950s she began teaching art classes for children. Yamazaki held a solo exhibition at Gutai Pinacotheca in 1963, joined the Artist’s Union (AU) as a founding member in 1975, and held a retrospective exhibition at Ashiya City Museum of Art and History in 2004.

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