ヨシダミノル YOSHIDA Minoru 1935–2010
- The Blue Tulip 1964年 油彩・ミクストメディア・キャンバス・板 184.4x182.8cm 大阪中之島美術館所蔵
The Blue Tulip 1964 oil, mixed media on canvas, plywood 184.4x182.8cm Collection of Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka - Space Doll NY ‘74 2003年 ミクストメディア、作家によるオリジナルケース入り 29.5x30.5x1.2cm
Space Doll NY ‘74 2003 mixed media, with a box designed by the artist 29.5x30.5x1.2cm
Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1935. Graduated from Department of Western Painting, Kyoto Municipal College of Fine Arts (presently, Kyoto City University of Arts) in 1959. Became a member of the Gutai Art Association in 1965. Received the Ohara Museum of Art Prize at the 9th International Art Exhibition of Japan (Tokyo Biennale) in 1967. Died in 2010.