
SHIRAGA Kazuo 1924–2008

1924年(大正13)、兵庫県尼崎市に生まれる。1942年(昭和17)、京都市立絵画専門学校日本画予科に入学。同校在籍時に 、「知的/情的」の二分類を試み た外山卯三郎の20世紀美術論に影響を受け、「情的」な流れの最先端を志す。同校卒業後に洋画に転向、大阪市立美術館付設美術研 究所に学ぶ。1952年(昭和27)、金山明、村上三郎らと「0(ゼロ)会」を結成。1954年(昭和29)に、足を使った初めての作品制作。同年に吉原治良の勧誘を受け、翌1955年 (昭和30)、具体美術協会に加入。1971年(昭和 46)、比叡山延暦寺にて得度。2008年(平成20年) に83歳で死去。


Born in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture in 1924, died in 2008 at the age of 83.Shiraga enrolled in the Department of Japanese Painting at Kyoto City Art School in 1942. Influenced by Usaburo Toyama’s view of art classifying art into the two categories of “intelligent” and “emotional,” Shiraga decided to become a front runner in the “emotional” category. After graduation, he turned to Western- style painting and studied at the Osaka Municipal Institute of Art. In 1952, Shiraga formed the Zero- kai Group together with Akira Kanayama, Saburo Murakami, Atsuko Tanaka, among others. In 1954, he produced his first work painted with his feet and in the following year joined the Gutai Art Association with other Zero-kai members. Shiraga became a Buddhist priest at Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei in 1971.

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