
MISHIMA Kimiyo 1932–2024

1932年に大阪に生まれた三島喜美代は、1970年代初頭まで絵画に取り組み、主にコラージュによる平面作品で注目を集めました。平面作品では1965年シェル美術賞展佳作賞を受賞。その後、 70年代初頭より陶による作品制作を始めます。陶の作品では、 1971年日本陶芸展前衛部門入選を皮切りに、数々の公募展での入選・受賞、国内外での展覧会に招待出品されるなど、今日に至るまで精力的に活動を続けてきました。
<京都国立近代美術館「2020年度 第4回コレクション展」ウェブサイトより引用>

Born in Osaka in 1932, Mishima Kimiyo focused on painting until the early 1970s, receiving acclaim for her collage-style two-dimensional works. In 1965, Mishima received the Shell Art Award. Then, in the early ’70s, she turned her attention to ceramics. After first being selected for inclusion in the avant-garde division of the Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition, Mishima’s work was included and awarded prizes in countless open-call exhibitions, and she was invited to take part in domestic and foreign exhibition. Mishima remains tirelessly active to the present day.
The majority of Mishima’s ceramic pieces feature silkscreen transfers of type from the pages of newspapers and magazines, and cardboard boxes bearing trademarks. Due to the breakable quality of the material, Mishima chose ceramics as the most suitable medium to express a sense of unease, anxiety, and crisis. Initially, she set out to convey the danger of being submerged in information. Later, by switching her focus to the way in which information becomes garbage (for example, mass quantities of handbills, newspapers, and magazines are quickly thrown away), Mishima arrived at her present style in which she uses time and money to make ceramic expressions of discarded waste. In this way, the artist takes a humorous approach to this unparalleled relationship between the huge amount of information and garbage, a peculiar facet of present-day society. At the same time, Mishima expresses the mentality of contemporary people, whose lives are threatened by an excess of information.
< from The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto - '4th Collection Gallery Exhibition 2020–2021' >

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