
DOMOTO Hisao 1928–2013


Hisao Domoto was born in Kyoto in 1928. His family had produced many artists and his uncle, Insho Domoto, was a well-known Japanese-style painter. Hisao made a spectacular debut in the world of Japanese-style painting, winning the Special Selection Prize in the Nitten Exhibition at the youthful age of 23. In 1952, while on a trip to Europe with his father, he decided to study in France. Moving to Paris alone in 1955, he switched from Japanese-style painting to oil painting. Art Informel was at the height of its popularity in Paris, and Domoto immediately began working in this style, quickly gaining attention as one of the principle figures of the movement. He eventually developed his own original style of painting while showing his work in both Paris and New York and his reputation grew as he participated in a number of international exhibitions. In 1967, he returned to Japan, setting up a studio in the Setagaya section of Tokyo. There he took up Japanese-style painting again, bringing fresh, new ideas to traditional media.
< from 'Hisao Domoto Retrospective' Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, 2005–2006 >

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