
MUKAI Shuji 1940–

(「すべて未知の世界へーGUTAI 分化と統合」(2022-2023年、大阪中之島美術館・国立美術館)図録より引用)

Mukai Shuji graduated fron the Osaka School of Art (now Osaka College of Art) in 1960. His works are characterized by the repetition of pictographic signs resembling parts of an abstracted musical score. Experimenting with the canvas surface, he affixed wires, books, and additional canvases, then covered them in signs. He took this challenge to the picture plane one step further in his 1961 work Room of Signs, in which he created a simply constructed three-dimensional painting covered with hand-drawn pictographic signs. In 1966 Mukai created Modern Jazz Café "Check," an entire café covered with his signs, from walls and furniture to dishware and the people working there. Three years later he freed himself from object-based art with the performance Happening: Burning All My Works, in which he burned his old canvases in a field in suburban Osaka.
< from the exhibition catalog "Gutai: Splendid Playground" (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2013)>

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